
NASAGV organizing for spring semester

Cedar Shoals High School’s chapter of The National Association of Student Against Gun Violence (NASAGV) will be meeting for the first time this school year on Sunday, December 2.

The meeting will be held at 3:45 after school in social studies teacher Ms. Catherine Brown’s room A107. There will be pizza and refreshments supplied.

This meeting will be the first held under the new NASAGV president senior Camryn Tanner. During the meeting members will be discussing plans for protests throughout the year, walkouts and sit-ins, rights to be exercised, and plans of action to pass common sense gun laws.

“Our top priority for this year is getting our roots buried at Cedar so this chapter can continue to grow and collaborate with others,” said Tanner. “As president I plan to collaborate with the national organization as well as the state directors of March for Our Lives to find out about future events and work we should be doing.”

NASAGV picked up as an organization earlier this year after the countless shootings that have taken place in 2018, organizing student walkouts across the country in protest of gun violence.

“NASAGV helped me personally with getting more involved locally and statewide. After joining, I became a part of three other groups in Athens and Georgia. It helped me figure out how to get involved and has definitely helped me as a leader,” said Tanner.

“It’s a great opportunity for people who want to figure out how to get involved in any way they want to. It opens up so many opportunities on a local level and beyond.”