Pack it up: Cedar implements new backpack procedures

As the 2023-24 school year began, Cedar Shoals students were greeted with a wave of changes in the form of stricter procedures with backpacks in the classroom.

These measures come from the administration at Cedar. At the beginning of every class, all backpacks are to be put at the front of the classroom away from students, and students will not be able to take backpacks outside of the classroom during class time. 

Recent incidents at Cedar have prompted the administration to put this approach into action this year, with multiple incidents in the first days of school taking place.

“The safety concerns are primarily community driven, within the first two days of school multiple fights occurred, which definitely prompted us to put something into place as soon as possible,” Associate Principal Dr. Utevia Tolbert said.
On Aug. 7 2023, Principal Antonio Derricotte further explained the situation in an email to parents. “These measures have been put in place to help ensure a learning environment that is as free of distractions as possible.” 

The schools decision to prohibit students from bringing their backpacks to the restroom has raised questions among students. Tolbert clarified that the rule only applies to backpacks and not other forms of storage. 

“Although backpacks are prohibited from being taken out of the class, students will be allowed to take purses and whatnot out of the classroom,” Tolbert said.

These new procedures have sparked a mixed reaction among students and teachers alike. Joanna Martin, social studies department, believes that the new procedure is ineffective.

“One of the negatives is how impractical it is. Myself and students trip over backpacks every time we’re walking around the class, and students have to go across the classroom to get anything they need during instruction,” Martin said.

Junior Amelia Hembree agrees with Martin’s sentiment, and is confused by the vagueness behind the procedure thus far.

“I think that we deserve an official reason because if we don’t have the reason behind it, it’s kind of pointless,” Hembree said. “They’re worried about our safety but I feel like taking away our backpacks doesn’t fix anything, it just makes it worse.”

Christine Graziano, graphic design teacher, believes that while the rule may be strict, she remains neutral.

“I’m just for what makes an environment more conducive for learning,” Graziano said.

Some see it as a viable safety measure, and others see it as a distraction in itself.

“I don’t think this procedure will last, because nothing really lasts. How long it will last I am not sure of, but I do know that new administration eventually comes in and makes changes,” Martin said.

Aiden Poe

Senior Aiden Poe was a staff writer for Cedar BluePrints during the 23-24 school year.

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