
Cedar has a Green Thumb

“Small actions can create positive results, especially if everyone one of us does one small action. Whether it is with this garden project or in the countless other community opportunities, get out there and take action to make our world a better place.” – Brittany Moore

When Ms. Brittany Moore, English department, realized that many of her students don’t have easy access to healthy food options, she decided to apply for a Foundation for Excellence grant to fund a community garden space at Cedar Shoals.

Even though it’s getting into Fall, the garden is already growing some vegetables that will prosper in the cold months, such as broccoli and onions.

“My inspiration comes from the desire to help my students and help heal our community’s health problems,” said Moore.

Moore and Mrs. Carly Chandler, science department, plan to maintain the garden with the help of students. Chandler’s Outdoor Club has been tending to the garden during Thursday meetings.

Students are learning where healthy food comes from, and  both teachers are involving their classes through Project Based Learning and STEM teaching.

“The garden project is designed around STEM teaching. This means we learn through inquiry and project-based learning combining literature and art with understandings of science, technology, engineering and math,” said Moore.

Both the Athens Land Trust and ACC Green Schools are contributing resources to the program.

“The hope is that if we get out there now and plant the Winter garden then come spring, we’ll have enough to cook a meal. That’s another goal of the garden: educating about nutrition and getting kids to make that leap between growing the food to cooking the food to serving the food,” said Chandler.

“And in the end, it is fun getting a little dirty and spending time outside. Touching some dirt and planting a seed brings us back to the wonder we viewed the world as when we were children.” said Moore.